A Custom Show about you and your business will make your holiday party one to remember!


The holiday season is all about getting closer to our fellow humans. And the best way to do that is through laughter. Our Comedy Maestros take facts and suggestions gleaned from the client and interweave them to produce an extremely interactive and fun comedy show, which consists of funny improvisational games and songs much like the hit televsion show Whose Line Is It, Anyway?. The Maestros are professional comedy writers, and can also write sketches tailored to the specific client.

Show available in two, three, and four Maestro sizes.


"(You) provided the best entertainment that Shell Vacations has ever had at any of our holiday parties!"

- Ginger O'Neil, Shell Vacations


"Thank you for the wonderful performance you arranged for our company banquet on December 16. You had all rolling in laughter...brilliant!"

- Denise Galasso, Senario LLC





For Booking Info and any other questions you might have please feel free to call our office at 773-764-4942 or fill out this handy information request and we'll get right back to you. Please be sure to specify which program/programs you would like more information about.









Entertainment-Custom Songs-Corporate Training/Workshops-Zenprov-Holidays-Who's Who-WhyImprov?-Why CIA?

©Chicago Improv Associates2008