Corporate Specialty Training Programs!
Our CORPORATE TRAINING UNIT is staffed by professional improvisational actors who are experts at existing in the present moment and dealing honestly with the self and with others. Every business person at all levels can benefit from the fun, energizing, and illuminating exercises and lessons taught in these sessions. Clients learn to recognize and begin to still the conversations going on in their heads which often stop them from performing to their highest potential and from working better with others in small groups or large teams. Specific training areas available include:

- Team Building exercises
- Trust training
- Leadership training seminars
- Management training seminars
- Effective Listening and Communication seminars
- Creating and Managing Effective Teams
- Diversity workshops
- Creativity / Brainstorming Techniques.

"The feedback was nothing but positive
from our team members. Thanks!

-Rich Howley
Whole Foods

Our TEAM BUILDING activities not only teach valuable lessons to each individual about how he or she deals with groups, but they actually engender trust within the team/department, and bond the group members into a much tighter unit. Our team building activities training seminars are a great way to open (and/or close!) full or multi day sessions because they're energizing, fun, and get the group learning about and laughing with each other.


"Terrific! Just the thing we were looking for - a little fun mixed with some practical application.
The feedback from the group was great (well, as enthusiastic as accountants can be)!

- Sean Halpin
Human Resources Manager
Cytec Engineered Materials

Our LEADERSHIP TRAINING seminars teaches your group how to listen and communicate effectively, thus empowering everyone in each leader's circle of employees. When we start from nothing, everything is possible. We show your group how to deal with what is, rather than what they think should be. We teach leadership skills which make managers and supervisors effective, compassionate, and great to work with and for!
For further inquiries please call our office at
773-764-4942 or use the handy form to the right to send us an inquiry. We will respond in a prompt manner








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